Mount Ararat RAM No 158 Installation at Bryn
16th October 2015
At a well-attended ceremony at Bryn Masonic Hall, William ‘Bill’ Goulden was extremely well installed as Worshipful Commander of this popular RAM Lodge, by now, Immediate Past Commander, Arthur Robinson ably assisted by a team of officers.
Mount Ararat RAM. Ken Alker, WM Bill Goulden and installing Master, Arthur Robinson
Representing the Provincial Grand Master was Geoffrey Catterall, RAMGR who gave greetings and best wishes on his behalf and his own personal greetings to ‘Bill’ and said owe good the ceremony had been.
The Assembled brethren
Also in attendance was Ian Nairn, Assistant Grand Master, whose lodge it is, and Danny Jones, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Several other holders of RAMGR and Provincial rank were also present.
Good news for the Lodge at the next meeting they will elevate no less than three candidates.
Aticle and Photographs courtesy of Fred Lomax